- Projectivity Meets Uniform Post-Interpolant: Classical and Intuitionistic Logic. AiML 2024 proceeding. (Joint with Konstantinos Papafilippou) Preprint:
- On Provability Logic of HA.
- Relative Unification in Intuitionistic Logic: Towards provability logic of HA .
- Unification types in Euclidean modal logics. Logic Journal of the IGPL. (Joint with M. Alizadeh, M. Ardeshir and P. Balbiani)
- The \(\Sigma_1\)-Provability Logic of HA Revisited. In: Dick de Jongh on Intuitionistic and Provability Logics, Outstanding Contributions to Logic, vol 28. Springer:
- Hard Provability Logics. In Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies (pp. 253-312). Springer, Cham. Preprint:
- Unification in the Implicative Fragment of Boolean Logic. Logic Journal of the IGPL. (joint with Philippe Balbiani) Preprint:
- The \(\Sigma_1\)-Provability Logic of HA*. Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 84, Issue 3, Pages 118-1135, 2019 (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint:
- Localizing Finite-Depth Kripke Models. Logic Journal of the IGPL, Volume 27, Issue 3, May 2019, Pages 239–251. Preprint:
- The \(\Sigma_1\)-Provability Logic of HA, submitted 2016. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume 169, Issue 10, Pages 971-1116, October 2018. (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint :
- Reduction of provability logics to \(\Sigma_1\)-provability logics, Logic Journal of the IGPL, Volume 23, Issue 5, pages 842-847, February 2015. (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint:
- Completeness of intermediate logics with doubly negated axioms, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, Volume 60, Issue 1-2, pages 6–11, February 2014. (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint:
- The de Jongh property for Basic Arithmetic, Archive for Mathematical Logic, Volume 53, Issue 7-8, pages 881-895, February 2014. (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint: