1.  Projectivity Meets Uniform Post-Interpolant: Classical and Intuitionistic Logic. AiML 2024 proceeding. (Joint with Konstantinos Papafilippou) Preprint: pdf icon small
  2. On Provability Logic of HA. pdf icon small
  3. Relative Unification in Intuitionistic Logic: Towards provability logic of HApdf icon small
  4. Unification types in Euclidean modal logics. Logic Journal of the IGPL. (Joint with M. Alizadeh, M. Ardeshir and P. Balbiani)
  5. The \(\Sigma_1\)-Provability Logic of HA Revisited. In: Dick de Jongh on Intuitionistic and Provability Logics, Outstanding Contributions to Logic, vol 28. Springer: pdf icon small
  6. Hard Provability Logics.  In Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies (pp. 253-312). Springer, Cham. Preprint: pdf icon small
  7. Unification in the Implicative Fragment of Boolean Logic. Logic Journal of the IGPL. (joint with Philippe Balbiani) Preprint: pdf icon small
  8. The \(\Sigma_1\)-Provability Logic of HA*. Journal of Symbolic Logic,  Volume 84, Issue 3, Pages 118-1135, 2019 (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint: pdf icon small 
  9. Localizing Finite-Depth Kripke ModelsLogic Journal of the IGPL, Volume 27, Issue 3, May 2019, Pages 239–251. Preprint: pdf icon small
  10. The \(\Sigma_1\)-Provability Logic of HA, submitted 2016. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume 169, Issue 10, Pages 971-1116, October 2018. (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint : pdf icon small
  11. Reduction of provability logics to \(\Sigma_1\)-provability logics, Logic Journal of the IGPL, Volume 23, Issue 5, pages 842-847, February 2015. (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint: pdf icon small
  12. Completeness of intermediate logics with doubly negated axioms, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, Volume 60, Issue 1-2, pages 6–11, February 2014. (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint: pdf icon small
  13. The de Jongh property for Basic Arithmetic, Archive for Mathematical Logic, Volume 53, Issue 7-8, pages 881-895, February 2014. (joint with M. Ardeshir) Preprint: pdf icon small